dimanche 25 septembre 2011

Thomas, you are great !

Too funny, I love it :)

I saw him singing this song in concert last year.The second of his concerts I have seen and a pleasurable experience as ever. 

« Je suis centenaire / Mais je suis encore vert / […] Mon fils est un vieux schnock / Ma fille est une vieille bique / Quand je l’embrasse, elle pique / Y en a marre des vioques ! / Je jouis, je jouis, quand j’entendrai le glas, oui / Je jouirai encore / Je veux mourir comme Félix Faure » 

I wanted to find the duet "Maudie est folle"  with Catherine Ringer that we are singing with my choir but I can't find it so we will make do with Hyacinthe from the same album.

Being a free mind ...

All morning today, I have been reading articles, pages and generally looking for resources on mind mapping. I don't know what will come out of it but I'm going to keep this video on the side in case I need it.  


It's because of this other video by Ken Robinson that the concept of mind-mapping came back to my mind. Although I don't share every idea in this video, it is very engaging.